Making New Year’s resolutions dates back some 4,000 years when Babylonians made promises to the gods. Today we’re beholden not to the gods but to ourselves. We promise ourselves to “do better this year”. To lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier, earn more, volunteer more. You know the drill. This morning, in my way-more-crowded-than-normal yoga […]

When companies are stumbling over their marketing, failing to master one of the three Ps – positioning, presentation, panache – is likely at fault. Here’s why. Do you know who you are? Positioning is one of the most critical elements of a company’s marketing. It’s your identity. It addresses who you are. What makes your […]

I saw Wonder Woman last week, and I’ve been thinking about the film ever since. So many lessons packed into a few (wildly entertaining) hours. The word “equality” is front and center. Despite some violence, I think parents should make sure their daughters see this film. The positive elements far outweigh the negative (some violence). […]

Suppose your business is in an industry with little competition. It would stand to reason that your website…. assuming it’s well optimized…..comes up very quickly in search. Page 1. Probably near the top. Let’s also suppose that your website has been well designed. Smart use of color. Smarter use of white space. Good navigation. Everything […]

By now we assume we can find just about anything we need using Google. Right? Wrong! Don’t blame Google. It’s not their fault. Google search is efficient, fast and generally awesome. The problem is the companies with really lousy websites that make searching so frustrating. To me, that’s crappy customer care. What’s got my goat? […]