Want people to read those blog posts you labor over? Here are 8 tips to help that happen:

  1. Determine your target market.
    Who do you want to reach? Before you write a single word, you want to know who you’re writing for. Who will be reading your blog post? That way, your content will be directed towards those readers you want to reach – potential clients.

    blogging best practices

    Photo Credit: kaboompics.com

  2. Frequency
    Nail down a schedule. Determine ahead of time whether you’ll blog 1x/week, 2x/week or 1x/month. Then stick to it.
  3. Keep it interesting.
    Don’t limit your blogging to just one topic. Mix it up a little so your readers don’t get bored. Think of what’s relevant to your target market’s interests and see what you come up with.For example, an architect might blog about current projects, industry trends, creativity, landscaping, architectural awards, landmarks, etc. A business coach might talk about networking, new business books, tracking projects, pitching new clients, etc.
  4. Add some visuals.
    Spice up your post with graphics, photos, charts, video, GIFS or other visuals that are relevant to the content you’re discussing. Visuals not only break up the copy — the right visuals enhance your content.
  5. Reference good resources.
    Add external links to industry experts or top media outlets. While you’re at it, include internal links to relevant information on your own blog posts and website pages (Google likes internal links).
  6. Length
    According to Yoast, longer posts outperform shorter posts (Google is partial to posts of 2000+ words if you’re aiming for good positioning). But since most small businesses don’t have the time or resources to write this length, you’ll be happy to know that posts of 600 – 900 words can also perform well. For getting comments from readers, shorter posts (under 400) do fine. These work well for companies announcing events like open houses, signing parties, seminars and forums.
  7. SEO
    Include keywords and phrases that relate to your topic if you want more visibility from search. Make sure to do some SEO (search engine optimization) to see what words and phrases you might add to your post. It’s worth the extra time.
  8. Share your posts.
    Make sure to share your posts on social media, in your newsletter, in client emailings and anywhere else you want visibility. While you’re at it, be sure to ask people to reshare your posts. It could lead to media visibility or the opportunity to write an article in an industry publication. And then you’ll have a bylined article to share with potential clients!


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