When your business is new, you want all the work you can get. You’re hungry. You want to build your portfolio. So you may be a little less subjective about the work you take on. Once your business is established, you should be able to be a little more selective. That means understanding that not ever […]

Well…maybe perfect is the wrong word. How ‘bout damn near close to perfect as you can possibly get when dealing with human beings? Cause that’s what I’ve been fortunate enough to do. A few years ago, I reconnected with a graphic designer I liked but had never worked with before. We did some projects together and […]

I didn’t want to leave. Honest. I really loved the bag I found on your site. It was the color I’d been looking for for months and a style that always works for me. But I hated your website. Your website made me do it. Make It Easy Unfortunately, it’s not enough to have a […]

Every once in a while,…usually if I’ve got a lot going on…I fall back into micro-manager, I-can-do-it-myself, don’t-need-any-help mode. Doesn’t work. Never really did. So I’ll share a few tips to hopefully spare anyone else who suffers from the same malady. Delegate. Outsource. Hire someone who’s an expert. Stick with what you do really well. […]